Western Conference Finals, Game Three |
San Jose Sharks |
3 |
Calgary Flames |
0 |
(Flames lead series 2-1) |
Now we may have a series. The Sharks did a lot last night, including: their first win in the Conference Finals, a shutout that Nabokov desperately needed for his confidence, and a win on the road. On top of that, Alex Korolyuk got to stick it to the coach who wouldn’t play him. The only remaining stigma is winning at home, and they’ll at least get a Game Five in which to do that back in San Jose. Game Four is Sunday at 1:00P on ESPN.
I’m not even gonna bother with a Survivor Spoiler, because if you didn’t know that Rupert had the Viewer Vote Million sewn up from the get-go, then you weren’t paying attention. He could have dropped his pants and farted the theme from Jaws for twenty seconds and Probst woulda been writing his name on that check. Which is fine with me, he’s clearly a good guy and that money will do a lot of good things for his family and those close to him. That said, the “America’s Tribal Council” show was still fun to watch, just to see Rupert roar at the assembled audience. I get the idea he’d be a fun guy to attend a football game with.
Got the parts for my pimp-ed out PC case the other day. Hopefully I’ll drop the parts into it Sunday during the game, if I watch it at home. I shall try to post a picture when it’s done. I have discovered that a chase-light kit exists, which I may pick up a couple of down the road (one kit contains 10 LEDs, to do it right I’d want around 20, I think) and attempt to install around the edge of the window. :)
I left my cellphone at home today, by accident. It’s silly, considering I don’t use it much at all, but I feel naked without it, like THIS is the time something is gonna happen where I need it. So let’s hope for an incident-free day, huh?
Alright, one more time:
So Ambuh got the million, Bahston Rob got Ambuh, Jerri got her wittle feelings hurt, Shii-Ann got a new car, Tom got an apology, Soozin got new tits, and Hatch got a Argentinian poolboy.
First, the overall event: It was a shame that once the game got down to the nitty gritty, the whole thing pretty much played out according to Hoyle. Everybody won what they needed to to ensure the most anticlimactic Showdown in the history of the show…
…made more so by Rob’s proposal. Trite, sure, but I admit I’m a sucker for stuff like that, and I have to give the guy props for getting permission from the parents that morning to pop the question and being forthwith about the fact on the show when asked.
Am I the only one who thinks that the application of makeup was all it took to turn Ambuh from Totally Hot Girl Next Door into Just Another East Coast Slut? Yeesh. Take twenty years off of her, she’s Jon-Benet Ramsey.
Jerri walking: Yes, the crowd was a little hard on her. But, c’mon. Save maybe for Hatch (who you’ll notice was also shouted down whenever he tried to turn the subject of conversation to himself), no other former Survivor has parlayed the Survivor experience into a greater extension of their fifteen minutes than Jerri Manthey. She was in NO position to say ANYTHING, and I hope someone was present to ensure the door hit her in the ass on the way out.
About the only upside to the whole proceedings was the announcement of the Viewer Vote for another million dollars, because this is our chance to give Rupert some financial props for being really one of the few truly entertaining elements in these last two Survivor series. So, if you haven’t already, get thee to this link and give Rupert your support. He’s the friendly fellow in the middle of the right-hand column who looks like Hagrid from the Harry Potter books.
It’s raining like hell outside. Not so much as a drop about twenty minutes ago when I was out fetching lunch. Welcome to Seattle in the springtime.
Here’s a quick San Jose Sharks update for you:
Western Conference Semifinal |
Colorado Avalanche |
2 |
San Jose Sharks |
5 |
(Sharks lead best-of-seven series 1-0) |
About as great of a Game One as I could have expected. Vinny Damphousse had a goal, Patrick “El Capitan” Marleau had his second set of hats in the playoffs, and the Avs are already on tilt and taking stupid selfish goonery penalties. (I expected better from a Tony Granato-coached team.)
Game Two is Saturday at high noon (and if you’re reading me on the left side of the country, your local ABC affiliate will have the game), and it will be very interesting to see if the Avs stay on tilt. If they do, this series could be over in less than the six or seven games most people seem to think it’s gonna go.
We haven’t talked Survivor for a while. so here’s the
As much as I don’t think Shii-Ann has played a particularly brilliant game, I was thrilled to see her stick it in the face of the Chapearans (I refuse to acknowledge the Tribal Swap That Wasn’t), who are so secure and audacious in their alliance that they feel they can tell someone openly that they’re Next To Go.
Mixed feelings about the ejection, though. Alicia immediately pissed me off when she started to get snippy and wouldn’t let Shii-Ann enjoy her hard-fought victory. “You gotta live with us, you know,” she warned. Yeah. Like the living was easy the previous couple days, being told around every turn her game was going to end, and even getting stuck with the crappy bowl of rice at Rupert’s Last Supper.
At the same time, I can’t believe that they didn’t take that opportunity to break up Ambuh and Rob, since that is the only way anyone else is gonna make the final two. And based on the promos, the loveable castaways don’t sound like they’re planning on getting a clue anytime soon, as the women start with the infighting.
Disappointing. All-Stars started so strong, but the gaffes of these supposive “master” players is ruining the show.
Postscript: Rain stopped. It’s totally bright outside again. Freakin’ Seattle.
So I apologize to everyone for not having posted in a while, but I fear I just haven’t had all that much to say. So we’re gonna try one of those bits-and-pieces Larry King-type posts. I’m just gonna talk about the little things that come to mind. Here goes:
Blogger needs the ability to give individual titles to posts . LiveJournal lets you do it, Blogger should too. (I suppose you could always title it in the first line, and then boldface it and give it a HEADER tag, maybe. I should play around with that.)
I got a new cellphone last week. It’s pretty neat. I’ve always wanted one with a color screen and the ability to modify it with my own graphics and ringtones and such, and Costco had a deal, so I took the plunge. So of course the first thing I did was upload into it a boatload of game show themes for the ringers, and a San Jose Sharks graphic for the wallpaper.
Speaking of the Sharks, round two of the playoffs starts tonight! They handled the Blues with dispatch…I don’t think Colorado will be so easy, but I think we can beat them if we stick to our game. It would also help if Peter Forsberg were to suddenly drop dead.
We haven’t talked about Survivor lately. I’m disappointed that Lex is out, but he dug his own grave. Looks GOOD sporting the Mohawk on the jury. though. Unless someone grows a brain and makes a move SOON, it’s gonna be Rawb v. Ambuh for all the marbles, and even then it’s entirely possible that Rawb can run the table on immunity. Certainly he’s favored as long as the challenge is physical. There’s a chance if we have a mental challenge soon, Alicia wins it, and strikes while the iron is hot.
Man, I do NOT know how I lived without TiVo. I used my old-skool VCR to record Survivor last week (‘cuz it was on opposite the Sharks), and I was amazed at what a pain in the ass it was to program (and mine’s pretty easy). You just get spoiled clicking one button and having it be done. Now if I can just work up the sack to put a second drive in it and figure out how to Monte it so I can extract video.
I need to decide whether I’m gonna record Survivor tonight on the VCR or off my PC. The PC just got a new hard drive, but the TV card doesn’t record the audio as loud as I would like. (I might be able to leave it on the Tivo, if I’m stuck watching the game on ESPN2 and the Center Ice local feed is blacked out. We’ll see.)
I hope this problem with my MP3 player is confined to the battery. I plugged it into a power strip to recharge, but I didn’t realize I was plugging it in between two seperate outlets instead of into an isolated one. I’m sure this fucks up polarity or grounding or something, and now the thing doesn’t realize when the battery is full. If I killed the battery, I can probably obtain another one, but I need a special one to use the contact in the player to rechange it, which is much more convenient than a seperate charger. If I killed the circuitry on the MP3 player, I’ll be pissed.
I’m jazzed about this Iron Chef America thing FoodTV has coming up this weekend. They clearly have their ducks in a row far straighter than UPN ever did…but I liked Chairman Shatner. I dunno about this new kid. But Alton Brown is in the Hattori chair, and that is Jack Nicholson / Joker-style casting, as far as I’m concerned. Should be fun.
In the last year, TV has cancelled Mister Sterling, Ed, Boston Public, and the Drew Carey version of Who’s Line. What show that I liked will they shitcan next? You folks better hope I don’t get into Joan Of Arcadia. (I have some stuff to say about her, but I’d like to watch one more episode to make sure my opinion still holds.)
Well, it’s just about time for me to pack up and get out of here, so I’ll wrap this for now. Perhaps I’ll have some Survivor thoughts in the morning, if something remotely interesting happens.
It’s time for a special Thursday morning edition of the….
I WAS gonna start this thing by offering up a shout out to my man Peter Sarrett, who has been trying to convince me for the last two weeks that Mogo Mogo is gonna get Pagonged, and that the champion of Survivor All-Stars is gonna come from Chapera. And I still will.
And, alas, he’ll be right if Mark Burnett is predictable and the merge does in fact happen next week. An immediate ejection for Boston Rob is about the only thing that could possibly stop it from happening, and even there I’m not so sure. I didn’t wanna see it before, but I do now. Lex has blown out all of his shielding. He’s first to go if the merge happens, unless Chapera concludes that they don’t want someone of Jerribitch’s questionable sanity on the jury.
And we know from the preview for next week that Probst does in fact collect gather everyone together and collect their Buffs. Could be to hand out the color for the new unified tribe. We’re down to ten, and that’s traditionally when that happens.
However, it could be to reshuffle players, too.
What should be the Greatest Survivor Ever is starting to get a little bit stagnant, and now would be a fine time for Burnett to swerve EVERYONE and do something wacky to the All-Stars. A postponement of the merge process, just for a couple weeks, could spice things up some, and not horribly affect the formation of the jury.
It’s Friday morning, and that means it’s time for a….
If last night’s show didn’t turn you on to Lex as the man in the best position to win it all (at the very least, among the Mogos), you just aren’t thinking. Sure, Jerribitch is annoying, but she’s incredibly expendable, too, especially with the Merge looming large. And Lex knew this was his best chance to pull a swerve that he would be able to get away with, because the only person left to exact revenge is Ethan, who still wears the target of Former Champion. Jerribitch, who KNOWS she is a target, has no choice but to trust Lex or be sent packing, and with Kathy snuggling up with the Chapera gang, the only people bothering to think on Shii-Ann’s behalf are Lex and Jerribitch, because Colby thought he had a sufficient majority already. And the Merge looks very likely to happen next week, so Lex’s gambit was timed perfectly. Just brilliant. Colby in an individual competition situation was an extremely dangerous man.
So, let’s look at Chapera. Big, big win for them, obviously, for emotional reasons as much as anything…it always helps to be the tribe who won the last Immunity going into the Merge. (I am assuming the Merge IS happening next week, even though with twelve remaining that would be somewhat early. The preview for next week’s show damn well looked like it was gonna, anyhow, with Probst calling for ambassador’s from each tribe to meet and such.) And taking Kathy The Human Swing Vote along with them on the reward meant that either Jerribitch or Colby was going home, a win-win either way. And Chapera seems to be a pretty unified team, once Tom stops a) drinking and b) dancing. Boston Rob pretty much runs things over here, and since he finally forms the beast with two backs with Amber next week, and as far as we know has something going on (though not in the same way, I hope) with Rupert, he has a voting bloc that can pretty much only be killed if the remaining Mogos gang up and nail him as a unit NEXT week. If a Mogo goes next week, and tribe lines stay solid (and Kathy integrates into Chapera), the rest of them will simply be plucked off one at a time.
But I think (I HOPE) Lex is smart enough not to let that happen. We’ll know next week.
(The following is a Survivor Update. Below is spoiler space for those among The Four Of You who haven’t seen the show yet and don’t want to have it ruined for you. You’ve been warned.)
(Man, I hope RSS doesn’t strip this out.)
(There. We’ll see if that helps.)
Okay. I wanted to take a night to sleep on this to be sure that I’m ready to stand behind what I’m about to say. And it seems I am. So here goes:
Soozin Hawk is a fucking nutjob.
Over the course of two days, she took an brief encounter with Richard Hatch’s schwanz (and I’ll be the first to call it a wholly inappropriate one, but read on) and turned it into full-fledged, Grade-A, Holy-God-Do-I-Feel-Unclean sexual assault.
In her own words: CAHM AHHHHN. This is the same woman who handed Hatch the million dollars three and a half years ago by likening him to a snake. So why was she surprised when his snake raised it’s bulbous head? Did she all of a sudden not know it was a snake when she picked it up?
The lives of these two have been intertwined ever since that trip to Borneo, they have even engaged together in the ultimate act of reality-TV-celebrity-whoring: they’ve shared a box on Hollywood Squares. And now all of a sudden he’s a sexual predator. Sorry, I don’t buy it.
Oh, and this just in: SOOZIN, HE’S GAY.
She was weak, she was figuring out that being from The Original Game and keeping a high profile over these several years was a HUGE disadvantage, and she found a convenient out. She might try for the phat lawsuit, too. Not that I really care, Burnett’s got plenty of cheddar with which to shut up this Wisconsinite.
Alright, enough of her, let’s check the state of the tribes, now tied again at six heads apiece:
Chapera, says Amber, is the “happy tribe”. Well, ignorance is certainly bliss, I guess. Tom didn’t score himself any points with the ladies with his idiotic-and-only-slightly-less-faggy-than-Hatch’s-Fire-Dance Tribute To Soozin, and I suspect Alicia will be wagging her finger laterally in his face sooner rather than later. Rupert, God love him, has allied himself with Boston Rob, which means he’s next to go, and Jenna L. is doing a fine job of Gervasing, and while she won’t win, it may take her far into the game post-merge, so long as she stays off of the radar.
Over to the green side of the board: Lex “Oh, By The Way, I Can Fish Too” Van Den Berghe is still my favorite to win it all. Colby may perceive that as a threat, but he can’t afford to address it until after the merge. Right now, he needs to concern himself with Jerribitch, who, miracle of miracles, found someone even more void of original thought than Amber in Shii Ann, who is still reeling that The Holy Saint Richard The Great And Powerful Hatch was voted out of the game. (Another free Survivor hint for you budding applicants: NEVER WORSHIP YOUR OPPONENTS.) Ethan is still trying to find his place here; he would do well to broker some kind of agreement with Kathy, who holds an impressive number of cards as a swing vote right now.
So: “Another Twist” next week, followed by Jerribitch’s gaping maw. Bringing back an Outcast tribe would be in horrible taste, considering that fully 33% of the evictees up until this point have left by their own choosing. So what happens? Comments are welcome….
Ding, dong, the witch is dead. The original Survivor, Richard Hatch, has been voted out of Survivor All-Stars. And I can’t say I’m terribly surprised.
Hatch, while he made for great TV as a heel, reminded me of a baseball player from the 1930’s trying to play the game today: Survivor has changed so much over the course of – what, seven series now? – that his playing style, which might have been effective when everyone in the world was still trying to figure out what Survivor WAS, was just so out of touch with what the game has become that he simply didn’t have a hope in hell. Remember, he surfed into the initial million dollars on an alliance back when nobody knew what an alliance WAS. The game just doesn’t work like that anymore.
Interesting side-note. Of the four Sole Survivors who started this game, Ethan Zohn is the only one still remaining. And he seems to be in a pretty good situation right now, if he stays hooked up with Lex and Colby.
Also interesting: CBS has it screwed up on their website right now, they list Jerribitch as a member of Chapera, but I could swear that Mogo Mogo took her in the draft. CBS shows Jenna L. on Team Green, and that’s not right, because I remember a big to-do about Colby and Jerribitch being reunited.
Regarding Dick’s, well, um, dick, and it’s proximity to Soozin during that fateful part of the immunity challenge: if this is what she’s going to bitch vociferously to Probst about next week (no spoiler there, a pissed-off Soozin was screaming at Jeff about being humiliated in the promo for next week’s show), then I dun wanna hear it. She drives a truck, fer God’s sake, she hauls around concrete, she’s more man than Hatch is. He wants to expose his nutsack in a physical challenge? Grab him by it, and throw his dumb ass off of the rigging. I promise you he won’t try to do it again. Us guys learn early on in life never to show our balls to anyone in a position to kick them. You’d think Hatch would know better.
So, looking at the new teams, Chapera appears to be in real trouble, despite their genius of letting Boston Rob run the platforms when they figured out that he BY FAR was the best at it (Duh. Construction worker. High steel. You think he doesn’t have some balance skills?) He’s clearly in control there, since he’s doing Amber, who we already knew was incapable of original thought, and since Big Tom is quickly turning into a boorish drunk. Best thing that could happen to them is to run out of whisky. On top of that, Jenna and Rupert are fighting for their lives as outsiders – there just isn’t a cohesive unit anywhere in there, aside from Rob and Amber. Chapera blew their chance to break them up last week, and they’re gonna pay for it.
That said, I think the eventual champion is gonna come from Mogo Mogo. My money is still on Lex, but any of the Holy Triumverate of Lex, Ethan, and Colby could go the distance now that Hatch isn’t around to stir up the shit, and all three of them are too smart to trust Boston Rob any further than they can throw him.
So, play on…
My TiVo grabbed the first episode of Comedy Central’s foray into that excretable genre known as “reality television”, I’m With Busey last night. I just watched it now.
The concept is that this kid who claims to be a huge fan of Gary Busey’s writes to him to pitch the idea of this show. He can do that now ‘cuz he’s a comedy writer professionally. (Me, I’m keeping my amateur status for Athens.) And, probably because Busey thought it would be fun and a good opportunity to screw with everyone’s heads, he agrees to hang with this kid and let the cameras follow them around.
Now, if this kid were playing the part of a drooling fanboy, and doing his job, this could be a pretty funny show. Thing is, you can tell right off that he’s a better writer than he is an actor, and he’s NOT playing the part, he REALLY IS a drooling fanboy. And that’s more painful to watch than it is funny, because Busey spends his time generally abusing him. The two have no chemistry at all. The half hour didn’t end soon enough.
Clearly, me and my Tivo need to sit down and have a little talk.
I’m watching The Anna Nicole Show on E! right now. This is the most amazing damn thing I’ve ever seen. This makes The Osbornes look like The Brady Bunch. I’m compelled to keep watching it. I can’t figure out if she’s baked, drunk, stoned, or just plain friggin’ stupid from scene to scene. She’s buying a new house, and the first thing she does in each house is make a beeline for the tub, hop in, and slide down to make sure that a) her fat ass fits in it and b) the tub nozzle hits her in the twat. Just amazing. It’s not good TV, but the fact that this silly bitch ACTUALLY EXISTS IN REAL LIFE just boggles me.